CODING & Design
This summer, campers created controllers using cardboard cut outs and integrating them with circuit boards. They also created their own version of the popular past times in games such as, Snake, Brick Breaker, and Pac-Man! To view their project, please have your child log into their Scratch account.
Campers experienced with process printing, which involves layering four different screens to create a full color print. They collaborated in groups and screen printed various substrates including posters, tote bags, t-shirts, and even hats.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Essential skills for the everyday life! Projects included wind-powered cars, rollercoasters with loops, custom boats, the ultimate egg parachute, and more!
In culinary, campers learned essential kitchen skills while making Vietnamese spring rolls, scones, funnel cake, potato wedges, pasta, and more!
Campers spent the six class sessions working on their zines (pronounced "zeen"), which are homemade publications. They also kept a sketch book and practiced illustration techniques throughout the three weeks.
Drawing, coloring, painting, gluing, and weaving. Campers worked in groups on different projects including magazine mosaics, grid studies, and paintings that later came together as much larger pieces.